10 Trees with flowers

Science shows that woods and trees combat the devastating effects of climate change: flooding, pollution, and extreme weather and temperature. They are also the ultimate carbon captors, absorbing atmospheric carbon and locking it up for generations.

So why not add some beauty to your garden while helping the environment!

If you are looking for all round interest with flowering trees, here are 10 suggestions of trees species that flower throughout the year:

  1. Cornus mas, flowering February

  2. Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer, flowering March

  3. Prunus cerasifera Nigra, flowering March

  4. Prunus avium Plena, flowering April

  5. Prunus yedonensis, flowering April

  6. Malus toringo, flowering April / May

  7. Crataegus Pauls Scarlet, (no thorns!) flowering May                                                                

  8. Tilia cordata Rancho, flowering June / July

  9. Hibiscus resi, flowering July / August,

  10. Prunus subhirtella Autumnalis / Rosea, flowering winter and spring

Flowering trees make a smart addition to your home landscape, but don’t let their gorgeous floral displays fool you; these trees offer numerous practical benefits to your home. Take advantage of them and plant a flowering tree this year.

Insect populations have been in steady decline for decades now. It’s only recently that people have taken an interest in their preservation. Creating new habitats for native bees, moths, butterflies and other insects is key to preventing their loss.

Many of these trees also produce berries or fruit that wild birds like to eat, giving them a natural food source that doesn’t rely on someone refilling the bird feeder.

Many studies have previously shown that tree-lined streets can add up to 15 per cent value to homes, but having trees surrounding your home also been proven to contribute to the wellbeing of the neighbourhood, too. Wisteria growing up the property can also add up to five per cent onto your value.

Therefore, there are several inter-related benefits that trees convey, including physical and visual amenity, shade provision, air quality improvement, noise abatement, and increased biodiversity.

Proving there’s many benefits to planting a flowering tree in your garden or premises!

We can offer advice on the correct tree to plant in the space you have, along with providing a full planting service if required.


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