We shall use the guidance set out in ISO14001: 2015 ‘Environmental Management Systems’ to help structure our activities and to help us to continually improve our environmental performance and reduce our environmental impact.
This will be developed by the following:
We shall ensure that the policy of the organisation is documented and maintained to be appropriate to the size and nature of the environmental impacts of our activities and services
We are committed to continual improvement and the prevention of pollution
We are committed to complying with all applicable legal requirements and with other requirements which relate to our environmental aspects
The management system shall provide a framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets
The necessary personnel and financial resources will be allocated to assist the company in meeting its environmental objectives.
In addition, the company shall continue to raise the levels of environmental awareness throughout its workforce and to promote this awareness to its customers and suppliers.
Employees shall be briefed and trained on environmental practice in the field and clients shall be actively encouraged to take advantage of our commitment to recycle all arising waste material.
The company shall continuously assess its environmental performance against the measures planned on the Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register.