Bird Nesting Season is Ending:

Time to Tackle Your Delayed Landscape and Tree Care!

As summer winds down, bird nesting season is coming to an end. From March to August, many of us have had to put off garden and tree care tasks to protect our feathered friends.

But with the end of August here, it’s the perfect time to get back to work on your outdoor spaces! Whether you’ve been waiting to prune those overgrown trees, trim hedges, or complete other landscaping tasks, Beechwood Trees and Landscapes is here to help you get things back on track.

What is Bird Nesting Season?

Bird nesting season, which runs from early March to late August, is a critical time for many bird species across the UK. During this period, birds are busy building nests, laying eggs, and raising their young. To protect these vulnerable creatures, the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 makes it illegal to disturb active nests or harm any nesting birds. This legislation is crucial for preserving our bird populations and maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems.

While bird nesting season is essential for wildlife, it can sometimes pose a challenge for property owners and gardeners. Many routine garden tasks, such as tree pruning, hedge trimming, and major landscaping work, are put on hold to avoid disturbing nests or harming birds.

How Bird Nesting Season Affects Lawn and Tree Care:

During bird nesting season, homeowners and professionals alike are advised to take a cautious approach to garden maintenance. Tree work, hedge cutting, and even some lawn care activities may need to be delayed if there’s any risk of disturbing nesting birds. While this can be frustrating for those eager to maintain their gardens, it’s a small price to pay for protecting our local wildlife.

However, this delay can lead to overgrown trees, hedges that need trimming, and lawns that could use some care. With the season now ending, it’s time to address these issues and ensure your garden remains healthy and beautiful. Delaying further could lead to problems like disease or damage, which might be more costly and time-consuming to fix later on.

Why Now is the Perfect Time for Postponed Work:

With bird nesting season ending in late August, now is the ideal time to tackle all those postponed gardening tasks! Late summer and early autumn offer perfect conditions for many types of garden work:

  1. Optimal Weather: The cooler temperatures of late summer and early autumn make it easier and more comfortable to work outside, whether you’re pruning trees or giving your lawn a much-needed makeover.

  2. Preparation for Winter: Pruning and trimming in early autumn helps prepare your trees and plants for the colder months, reducing the risk of damage from winter weather and promoting healthier growth in the spring.

  3. Less Disruption: With nesting season over, you can work on your garden without worrying about disturbing wildlife. This is particularly important for tasks like tree surgery or hedge trimming, which can be disruptive to nesting birds.

Call to Action: Book Your Postponed Work Today!

If you’ve been putting off important lawn or tree care, now is the time to get things sorted. At Beechwood Trees and Landscapes, our experienced team is ready to help with all your post-nesting season needs. From tree pruning and hedge trimming to full-scale landscaping projects, we’re here to ensure your garden looks its best.

Don't wait! The end of bird nesting season marks the beginning of a busy period for garden maintenance, so it’s important to book your services early to avoid delays. Get in touch with us today to schedule your appointment and make sure your outdoor space is ready for the months ahead.

Bird nesting season is a wonderful time to appreciate the natural world around us, but it can also mean putting off necessary garden work. Now that it’s ending, there’s no better time to catch up on those tasks and prepare your garden for winter. At Beechwood Trees and Landscapes, we’re committed to helping you care for your outdoor spaces while respecting the environment. Contact us today to book your services, and let’s make your garden the best it can be!

Read more about how to care for your garden all year round on our blog!

Remember, site clearing season is approaching fast. This is the perfect opportunity to clear any debris, unwanted plants, or overgrown areas before winter sets in. Let Beechwood Trees and Landscapes help you get your property in top shape—reach out to us today!


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