Mental Health Awareness

From 10-16 May 2021 is Mental Health Awareness Week, this years theme is ‘Nature’ which as tree surgeons something as tree surgeons we are very much connected with!

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‘There is something to be wondered at in all of Nature’ - Aristotle

There are many ways to connect with nature, from taking a walk, to looking out of the window. Statistics have proven that people respond positively when they take time to appreciate the natural environment around them.

The mental Health Foundation have some specific goals for this week:

We have two clear aims. Firstly, to inspire more people to connect with nature in new ways, noticing the impact that this connection can have for their mental health. Secondly, to convince decision makers at all levels that access to and quality of nature is a mental health and social justice issue as well as an environmental one.

2021 is going be a huge year for nature: a new Environment Bill will go through the UK Parliament which will shape the natural world for generations to come; the UK will host the G7 nations where creating a greener future will be a key priority and a historic international UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) will be hosted in Glasgow in November.

There could not be a more important time to understand the links between nature and mental health.

The Week is an opportunity for people to talk about all aspects of mental health, with a focus on providing help and advice.

Why not stop to listen to the birdsong, smell the freshly cut grass, take care of a house plant, notice any trees, flowers or animals nearby. Take a moment to appreciate these connections.

#ConnectWithNature and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek


Trees and Ecology


Staying Positive