Movember at Beechwood

We are supporting Movember to help change and save lives…

Beechwood are participating in Movember to raise awareness about mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. By growing moustaches, hosting events, or setting personal fitness goals, we’ll join millions of people around the world who are helping men live happier, healthier, and longer lives.

By taking part in Movember we’ll have fun, do a heap of good, and learn all about men’s health.

Since 2003, Movember has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the world, challenging the status quo, shaking up research and motivating men to take action for their health.

We’re growing Mo’s to start conversations about men’s health.

With the money raised, Movember will fund groundbreaking health projects across mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.

We would love it if you could donate, please head over to our Mo Space now

Click on for more information.


Bonfire Night


Ash Dieback Update.