Protecting Our Feathered Friends: The Importance of Pre-Start Wildlife Checks for Nesting Birds

Pre-start wildlife checks for nesting birds are an essential part of any tree surgery project.

These checks are crucial in protecting wildlife and their habitats, as well as ensuring compliance with legislation and regulations.

Nesting birds are particularly vulnerable during the breeding season, and their nests are often difficult to spot and easily disturbed. Disturbance of nesting birds can cause abandonment of the nest or cause chicks to prematurely leave the nest, leading to a high mortality rate.

By conducting pre-start wildlife checks, we can identify any nesting birds and their habitats before work begins. This allows us to avoid disturbing the nesting sites and taking measures to minimise any impact on the birds and their young.

Pre-start wildlife checks may involve a site survey to identify any bird species present and their nesting locations. This survey should be carried out by a trained operative who can provide advice on how to minimise disturbance and protect the birds and their habitats.

It's important to note that disturbing nesting birds and their habitats can result in legal action and hefty fines. Therefore, conducting pre-start wildlife checks is not only important for ethical and environmental reasons, but also for legal compliance.

In conclusion, pre-start wildlife checks for nesting birds are vital for protecting wildlife and their habitats during tree surgery, construction and development projects. It ensures compliance with local and national laws, protects the welfare of nesting birds, and demonstrates a commitment to ethical and environmental responsibility.


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