Social Media Tips

We were invited as a ‘VIP’ to a fantastic event with ward-winning author and world-renowned web marketing expert, Marcus Sheridan along with serial entrepreneur and founder of the business coaching professional Brad Sugars.

The Raise Your Hand, Raise Your Profit tour revealed the marketing secrets that only the top 1% of businesses are utilising to reach success.

It sparked lots thoughts and ideas throughout the two sessions and left us with some wonderful, yet simple ‘takeaways’ for us to improve on our marketing and sales startegys and processes.

I’d like to share my Top 5 Takeaways from the event with you below:

  1. FUN - Rule 1 is have fun! if you’re not enjoying it then how do other team members and your customers feel?

  2. TRUST - A company must build trust with their customers, this can achieved in many ways.

  3. PRICE - Not showing or revealing prices can scare potential searchers away, you cant lose customers you didn’t have already.

  4. STRATEGY - A scaling Business should have 6-7 lead generating strategys. If you only have 1 or 2 you will only be replacing lost customers

  5. MEASURE - All marketing strategy should be tested and measured to establish the cost of sale

‘The world is changing, your business is changing, and marketing is changing. It’s time for you to stand out, get the marketplace coming to you, make every marketing opportunity count.’

As a progressive company we are continually learning, developing and striving to improve the service we provide to our customers. The information and guidance provided by the speakers will be taken on board and implemented (its already began here!).

To finish, a Jim Rohn quote to live by that Brad left us with:

Never wish for your life to be easier, with that you were better

Thanks also to Jade and Anu form Action Coach for the VIP invite, it was much appreciated!

We hope you too can get some benefit form the above, but if you have any feedback or would like more information we would love to hear from you


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