The Cost Of Tree Planting In Coventry Gardens 

Spring is well and truly here. It won’t be long before we’re sitting out in our Coventry gardens, reading books in the shade and spending time with the family - we can’t wait!

If you’re considering buying a tree, all you need to do is read on. We’ve compiled a guide to tree planting, from the initial price to the cost of maintenance - it includes everything you need to know!

The Pros Of Planting

Trees are vital in the fight against climate change. Councils, schools and individuals have all been investing in the environment by planting trees in parks, streets and Coventry gardens. 

Our world is struggling with rising temperatures and it’s hardly the kind of legacy we want to leave our children, but trees could be our chance to leave a cleaner, greener place for them. It’s well known that they cut air pollution and improve air quality, but they also lower our world’s soaring temperatures. They can drastically reduce water pollution, intercepting and filtering rainfall before releasing it into streams and rivers. They lessen the chance of heavy flooding and increase biodiversity, even in urban spaces.

Trees make the dream of a cleaner world seem possible and much less daunting but it’s incredibly important to consider the costs involved.

Considering The Cost

The cost of tree planting varies greatly, from a few pounds per sapling to literally thousands! The price depends on a long list of factors, such as location, soil type or tree species.

For example, trees might be great for battling city air pollution, but there tend to be higher costs associated with site preparation and maintenance in urban areas. 

Another factor is the size of the area to be planted and the type of soil; soil might be clay, chalk, sand or loam, and it’s crucial to choose the correct tree for the soil. You can choose the tree first and then buy relevant topsoil, but that would be an additional expense, so please keep that in mind.

Once you’ve decided on where your tree is going, you need to think about the kind of tree you want to introduce. Exotic trees can seem more dramatic and eye-catching, but they will be more costly than native alternatives. If the main reason you’re buying is to encourage biodiversity, you may want to focus on native trees, as they can support a far greater number of species, especially insects. Beware of invasive foreign species, which will dominate the British trees already in your woods, parks or Coventry gardens!

How are you going to buy your tree? A sapling is a cheaper option, but an already mature tree won’t need quite as much attention when it comes to training and pruning, freeing up time, money and effort. Instead of dedicating time to this sapling, you can relax underneath a full-grown tree with your family and friends.

It’s a mistake to underestimate maintenance as training, pruning, watering and pest control can make a real difference, although these costs can vary just as much as the initial tree-buying stage. We understand that there’s a lot to think about but there’s no need to worry because that’s where we come in.

Advice On Trees For Coventry Gardens

After a quarter of a century spent dealing in trees, we’re well-equipped to offer advice on your next tree planting project.

We can point you towards the hardiest varieties or the ones best suited to your particular type of soil, or even direct you to a range of flowering trees, which blossom at different times of the year. This can ensure your garden always looks its best. We can even help you get them in the ground with our planting service!

If a tree looks frail, unhealthy or potentially dangerous, be sure to give us a ring. Beechwood’s primary service is tree surgery, where we prune trees to keep them healthy and protect the surrounding area. 

Our priority is to help our clients by ensuring safe, healthy and thriving Coventry gardens! Will yours be next?

Tree Surgery

Do you need our services? Browse our website to find out more! 

You can get in touch by calling 0800 328 7988, or by visiting our contact page.

For news and photos of our latest projects, follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. We can’t wait to hear from you soon!


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