The Cons of Tree Surgeon life!

Ah, the glamorous life of a tree surgeon! Scaling majestic oaks, communing with nature, and wielding chainsaws that turn heads. But behind the idyllic façade lies a treasure trove of comically frustrating moments that we, the tree surgeons, keep close to our hearts. Let's peel back the bark and explore the cons we (not-so) secretly adore.

Conifer Hedge Trimming: The Labyrinth of Needles

Conifers, they said, easy money, they said. But trimming conifer hedges is like navigating a botanical labyrinth filled with needles! There's something strangely satisfying about getting up close and personal with these prickly behemoths while pondering if this is the universe's way of testing our love for trees.

They also grow like there's no tomorrow, and trimming them can feel like an endless battle!!

Soggy Chainsaw Trousers: Rain or Shine

Oh, the joy of donning chainsaw trousers – thick and protective. But when the heavens open up, you transform into a walking swamp. It's a love-hate relationship with these trousers.

You'll be soaked, your feet will squish with every step, yet you'll power through as if auditioning for a waterlogged lumberjack contest.

The Infamous Nail Encounter: MS880 Chainsaw vs. 3ft Bar

Picture this: you're gracefully carving through a tree, in the zone, when suddenly, your trusty MS880 chainsaw has a "nail-biting" encounter. It's like finding a needle in a haystack, except the needle is giant, sharp, and metal. There's a sense of dark amusement in this chainsaw roulette, as you ponder if the tree was secretly hiding its secrets.

When Your Body Turns Into a Complaining Oak! 🌳🤕

Ah, the joys of being a tree surgeon, where your body sometimes thinks it's auditioning for a tree impersonation contest! 🪚🤸‍♂️

You see, the physical demands of the job can be quite a workout. It's like your body's daily dose of "CrossFit with Chainsaws." The constant climbing, lifting, and sawing might lead to occasional groans, creaks, and grumbles that make you wonder if you're secretly related to the trees.

Branches with a Vendetta: 🌿💃

In the world of a tree surgeon, branches take on a peculiar personality of their own. It's as if they're on a mission to engage in a never-ending battle with your head.

Every limb seems to possess an uncanny ability to swing directly into your path. Ducking and weaving through this natural obstacle course becomes your daily workout routine, ensuring your head remains firmly attached to your shoulders.

It's a dance of agility and finesse, as you navigate through the arboreal maze, each branch seemingly having a vendetta to test your reflexes. It's all in a day's work for a tree surgeon – a blend of danger and acrobatics amidst the leafy giants.

Arb Talk 🌳🗣️💤

This isn't just part of a tree surgeon's job; it's practically a second language.

Conversations at the dinner table can swiftly transform into fervent discussions about timber varieties, bark textures, and the intricate world of leaves. M

entioning the virtues of oak versus pine can become as passionate as debating sports teams.

But be forewarned, should you dare to bring up trees at a social gathering, you'll soon witness a peculiar phenomenon – the rapid dispersal of guests.

It's as if the mere mention of photosynthesis sends people fleeing in search of safer topics. The art of arboreal chitchat may be an acquired taste, best saved for fellow tree enthusiasts who share your passion for the woody wonders of the world.

Safety Risks: When Trees Play Hide and Chainsaws Seek Thrills! 🌲🪚🙈

In the whimsical world of tree surgery, safety isn't just a rule; it's a high-stakes game of hide and seek with Mother Nature herself! 🌳🌪️

You see, tree surgery is like an action-packed movie where tree surgeons are the fearless heroes, armed with chainsaws and nerves of steel. Working at dizzying heights, playing catch with heavy branches, and engaging in an epic tug-of-war with stubborn limbs are all part of the adventure.

But wait, there's more! It's not just about handling powerful machinery like chainsaws; it's also about negotiating peace treaties with temperamental trees. Think of it as a diplomatic mission in the treetops.

To thrive in this arboreal circus, tree surgeons need to be part daredevil, part acrobat, and part zen master.

Safety protocols aren't just guidelines; they're the script to this exhilarating tree saga. Following them ensures that every high-flying chainsaw stunt is a controlled spectacle.

In the world of tree surgery, it's the quirks and cons that add character to our craft. We may grumble about soggy trousers, prickly conifers, or mysterious tree nail encounters, but deep down, we wouldn't trade these moments for anything. After all, it's the love for trees that keeps us coming back for more, thorns and all. 🌳🌧️🌲

Got any "tree-mendous" tales to share from your tree surgery adventures? We'd love to hear them! 🌲🧗‍♂️🪚

#TreeSurgeonTales #InLoveWithTheThorns #BeechwoodTrees #ArbTalk


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Life as a tree surgeon