What is a Felling License?

In the United Kingdom, a felling license is a permit issued by the Forestry Commission, which is the government body responsible for forestry and woodland matters.

The felling license is required for the legal felling and removal of trees in the UK, except in certain exempted circumstances.

The purpose of a felling license in the UK is to regulate and control tree removal activities to ensure sustainable forest management, environmental protection, and the conservation of biodiversity. It helps to maintain the balance between economic, social, and environmental interests.

To obtain a felling license in the UK, individuals or organizations must apply to the Forestry Commission. The application process typically involves providing detailed information about the proposed tree felling, including the location, species, number of trees, and reasons for felling.

The Forestry Commission assesses the application and considers factors such as the impact on biodiversity, the environment, and public safety before granting the license.

Not every tree felling project requires a felling licence.

Exemptions can be based on:

  • location

  • the type of tree work

  • the volume and diameter of the tree

  • other permissions already in place

  • legal and statutory undertakings

Find out more about felling licences, exemptions and how to apply in this helpful guide Tree felling - getting permission.

However, even in these cases, it is important to consult with the local authority or the Forestry Commission office to determine if a felling license is required.

Failing to obtain a required felling license when necessary can result in legal consequences, including fines or prosecution.

It is essential to familiarise oneself with the specific regulations and requirements in the relevant region and obtain the appropriate felling license before undertaking any tree felling activities in the UK.


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