Why are trees pollarded?

As winter approaches, Beechwood Trees and Landscapes Ltd gears up for its annual street tree pollarding program, focusing on the Plane and Lime trees that line our local highways. While this process may seem severe to some, it's important to understand why we undertake it and how these trees benefit from it.

Street tree pollarding is not a random act of tree butchery; it's a carefully planned and necessary maintenance practice. These trees are maintained on a cyclical basis, typically every 3 to 5 years. Here's why:

Safety: Over time, trees can grow beyond their allotted space, and their branches can encroach upon roads and sidewalks. Pollarding trims back excessive growth, reducing the risk of falling branches and enhancing road safety.

Infrastructure Protection: The roots of mature trees can extend beneath the road, causing damage to pavements and utilities. Pollarding helps control root growth, preserving essential infrastructure.

Health and Vigor: Regular pollarding encourages the growth of new, healthy shoots. It can revitalise the tree, promoting a robust canopy and better overall health.

Aesthetic Benefits: A well-pollarded tree has a pleasing, symmetrical appearance. This contributes to the overall beauty of our streetscapes and neighborhoods.

Long-Term Sustainability: By maintaining trees through pollarding, we can sometimes extend their lifespan and reduce the need for complete removal and replanting.

During the initial stages of pollarding, it may appear harsh, with trimmed branches leaving a somewhat bare appearance. However, rest assured that these trees have evolved to cope with this practice.

They will soon respond with vigorous new growth in the spring, filling out beautifully.

We also understand that road users may experience delays during our operations. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. Your understanding and support are crucial in ensuring the continued health and safety of our urban tree canopy.

In conclusion, street tree pollarding is a vital aspect of urban tree management. It balances safety, aesthetics, and tree health, ensuring that our streets remain safe, beautiful, and sustainable. Beechwood Trees and Landscapes Ltd is committed to this process, and we look forward to seeing our streets flourish as a result.


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