Do I need permission to cut down trees in my garden? What is a TPO?

Many people think they have the right to cut or prune any tree on their land, or overhanging their property. Whilst this is mainly true, sometimes trees on private property can be protected by a conservation area, or a tree preservation order (TPO).

If you own the property/land, then yes, you do have the right to prune or remove trees that are growing on, or overhanging your property. The exceptions to this rule are; if the tree is protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), or if your property is situated within a conservation area.

So before you get the garden tools, it’s best to do some research…..

What is a TPO?

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made to protect a specific tree, groups of trees and woodland areas. 

The TPO is usually made by a local planning authority (your local council). Essentially the order prevents the cutting down, topping, lopping, uprooting, wilful damage or wilful destruction of trees, without the local planning authority’s written consent.Regardless of age, species or size, no trees are automatically protected. A TPO can be placed on any tree, including trees in hedgerows, but not hedgerows themselves.

TPOs are most commonly used for trees within an urban or semi urban setting, and for trees with high ‘amenity’ or ‘nature conservation value’.

A person wishing to carry out work on, or to remove a tree protected by a TPO, will need to apply to the local council for permission to do so. Once the application has been submitted, there will be a consultation period where any objections can be made. If a tree has been felled which was protected by a TPO, the landowner has a duty to replace the tree: of an appropriate species and size, in the same location, as quickly as possible.

There are many cases where individuals and businesses have been prosecuted for undertaking work on protected trees without permission, penalties and fines can be between £2,500 and £20,000.

Beechwood Trees and Landscapes Ltd offer consultation services; we can provide help and guidance, applications for work on trees with a TPO, along with comprehensive reports for home buyers and developers. 

Further information can be found here:

Should you need any further help or advice, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help - You can call us on 0800 328 7988 or email or use the button below


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