Our Training Academy

Staff training and development has always been imperative here at Beechwood Trees and Landscapes Ltd, so we have now decided to take it to another level with our very own, in-house Training Academy!

Following the recent growth of the company through contract awards with local authorities and many other sector clients, it has meant we have needed additional members of staff to join our teams in order to resource them adequately.

However, after a recent recruitment drive we established that there was a significant shortage of skilled arborists in the industry, which meant attracting new members of staff was very slow and inconsistent with our requirements.

Initially we responded to this by making sure we were the best employer around to work for and by increasing salaries, but even by being a great place to work and paying the best pay in the area didn’t help the shortage of staff.

“I have always been passionate about staff development both at Beechwood and as part of my previous role on the Committee of the level 2 apprentice scheme.

We had to resort to grass roots tree surgery and train our own, which adds a commitment of time and training from the company, but also a passion and responsibility for each member of staff to see the benefits and achieve the results”

Said Simon Rotheram our Managing Director

At the same time as recruiting, we were looking at how we managed our existing loyal employees and making sure we were retaining them in the process, so committing to:

  • Providing the best working environment and creating a trusted team

  • Providing the best equipment and machinery

  • Paying the best pay scale

  • Ensuring continued training and development.

A combination of training new employees and upskilling our existing staff meant we needed a development plan - so ‘The Academy’ was born.

This will provide all employees at our company with the training and certification to not only become a tree surgeon, but also the commitment to a life long plan of upskilling.

We will also be developing this to support other local contractors that may be interested in developing their teams.

Once signed up, the plan is carefully mapped out so everyone knows what they need to do and when they need to do it.

The benefits of this not only for the individual, but for the increased company skill set and raised moral are outstanding and we are looking forward to seeing it progress.

We are currently talking to training providers that provide this type of certification, so if you have something to offer and would like get involved then we would love to hear from you.

If you require and more information on this please email: office@beechwoodtrees.co.uk


Management of Bleeding canker


New Starters