Raising tree work standards.

As a tree care company we are always looking to improve the service we provide for our clients, this is embodied by our ISO9001 quality management systems.

Customer feedback is crucial to our continual improvement and so we regularly use questionnaires which have been specifically designed to attract feedback.

Compliments are great but it is the small criticisms that customers often don’t mention that are the most useful; ‘tell us what you didn’t like because that will allow us to make it better next time’.

Returned questionnaires are analysed by the senior management team and any adverse comments are dealt with using our incident management procedure.

We would consider an issue of non-performance as an incident for the purposes of our quality management system.  Anything raised as an incident is logged and then immediately subject to corrective action in order to bring the situation back to standard.

Concurrent to corrective activity, the management team would be looking at immediate and root causes in order to identify why this situation has occurred.

It is very likely that our customers would be involved in this investigation and discussion as often the best solutions are developed in collaboration with stakeholder groups.

Once the root cause has been established, preventive activity can be put in place to ensure that similar circumstances are much less likely to happen again in the future.

Again, this preventive activity would probably be implemented in collaboration with the client and other stakeholder groups as required.

An annual performance review is undertaken by our contract manager to compare our performance against the criteria set out together with our overall performance in meeting the contract requirements.

This annual performance review will also incorporate a review of our Health and Safety records.

With almost 25 years experience and this mindset of continual improvement, our service delivery has been refined to exceed our customers expectations.

Simon Rotheram - Managing Director

You can be assured of this when instructing us to complete any tree surgery works for you.

For more information please get in touch: https://www.beechwoodtrees.co.uk/contact


How it started at Beechwood.


Tree Surgeon Training and Careers